Instagram Marketing


Transform the MESSAGE with Your Users into a Winning Communication!

INSTA2B is coming



Anticipate Everyone and AMAZE your Customers with a NEW Communication 😜

Stimulate ACTIONS

Reach your Target in an INFORMAL way, Telegram is increasingly used 👥


Create AUTOMATIC and INNOVATIVE Processes that satisfy your CUSTOMERS 🚀


No longer be the Gazelle, but Become ... Finally the LION! 💪🏻


Develop ONE-TO-ONE Communication with Your Users Directly on INSTAGRAM

INSTA2B is a powerful new way to communicate one-to-one with your customers on Instagram through direct messaging.

You can automatically send personalized messages to your followers using simple Flowbuilders and more!

Schedule Sending and Publishing

Schedule the sending of messages (even massive) without any time limit! Our platform saves you time when you need it most while delivering services to customers.

Automation & FlowBuilder

EASILY CREATE AUTOMATIONS AS MIND MAPS! See your profits and efficiency increase. You will grow faster than you think.

Address Book and Message Management

You can finally IMPORT your Address Book via File or API or directly from Contacts. YOU CAN CREATE SENDING LISTS BASED ON THE ADDRESS BOOK TAGS!

GDPR & Privacy tools

You will have the ability to Create "Telegram API Link" and You can Generate a Button ready to be installed on your site that complies with ALL the GDPR Rules! Always keep track of All Sent Messages!

The 1st Autoresponder for INSTAGRAM MARKETING🚀

"A research carried out precisely to understand the use of Messaging Platforms, says that users are increasingly inclined to communicate with brands through messaging applications, and declare that they are oriented towards purchasing from companies with which they can interact in a way direct and instant ... "

In addition, 98% of messages are opened and read by mobile, and 90% of these are displayed within 3 seconds of receipt ...

Find out how to get it

Practical, Simple and Smart! FAST, DYNAMIC and AUTOMATIC Communication on INSTAGRAM! 🔝

With INSTA2B, you can easily create engaging conversations on Instagram for one-to-one communication with your audience.

If you're looking for feedback on new products or services, promoting an event or sale, asking questions about their experience with your brand ...

Insta2B is the perfect solution!

DIRECT management

Simplified management. You no longer have to search for a Tool for everything ... Insta2B is "All-in-One" ✌🏻

QUICK messages

Create a List of Messages Already Formatted and Ready to Send Quickly! Shorten Response Times and Increase Interactions.

Conditions of SEND

If you have very large Lists of Users or with different interests, or you only want to reach some of them, YOU CAN CREATE SENDING CONDITIONS BASED ON THE ADDRESS BOOK TAGS!

EASY integrations

Do you already have several Active Marketing channels and want to integrate Instagram as well? CONNECT YOUR Insta2B TO OVER 1000 OTHER ONLINE TOOLS VIA Cloud and API!


Most businesses use Instagram to post pictures of their products and services, but few also use it as a powerful tool for communicating with their customers ...

INSTA2B is Coming!

The first Instagram Direct Marketing platform that allows you to create personalized conversations and increase the engagement and loyalty of your audience!

Follow the LAUNCH!


Keywords of INSTAGRAM Communication

🔏 Businesses fail to use Instagram to communicate with their fans and followers even though it is one of the most popular social media platforms.

You are limited to using only photos or videos on Instagram, but there are so many other ways you could communicate with your audience

INSTA2B is a tool that allows companies to communicate directly with their customers through Instagram messaging.


Are you an entrepreneur or a marketer and want to build a relationship with your audience on Instagram?

"I've tried other software that worked fairly well, but this is certainly the best, the only one that has been able to combine efficiency and simplicity".

Giovanni Zappalà

"When it comes to Automation I am always at the forefront and these guys seem to have created something extremely useful, versatile and performing."

Joe of Siena

"If you are looking for high quality software, I highly recommend this: it is simple to use and the results are always Top. They are the best in the business, without too many words."

Emanuele Davenia

The FUTURE is Now ❗

The continuous digital evolution requires companies to have a strong ability to adapt and a strong propensity for the future.

The development of authentic and real-time interactions allows companies to deviate from other market players and reach a prominent position in the eyes of the user, guaranteeing better engagement rates and, consequently ... AN INCREASE IN THE RETURN OF 'MARKETING INVESTMENT!

Can't wait to try it?


Fill out the FORM and Request Your FREE 14 Day Trial License

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